Posting berikut ini saya kutipkan dari hasil analisis spasial yang pernah saya lakukan untuk melakukan deliniasi bufferzone atau zona penyangga kawasan Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang. Penentuan zona penyangga kawasan konservasi sendiri diatur oleh beberapa aturan, akan tetapi seringkali secara raktis penentuan zona penyangga tersebut sangat sulit diterapkan di lapangan. Secara umum analisis ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan masukan wilayah manasaja yang menurut kriteria tertentu masuk kedalam zona pengangga kawasan Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang.
Tentunya masukan lain, terutama dari aspek sosial ekonomi, kebijakan dan politis akan semakin memberikan gambaran yang jelas untuk mendefinisiakan kawasan zona penyangga suatu kawasan konservasi
Methods and Preliminary Delineation
1. Equipment and Tools
PC Desktop, Software ArcGIS and Erdas Imagine
2. Data
Landsat 7 (2005, 2006), RePPPRoT Land Systems (1:250.000), Digital Elevation Model SRTM, Forest Gazettes Boundary (Ministry of Forestry, 2001), East Kalimantan Spatial Planning (Drafted, Bappeda, 2006).
3. Delineation Process
Delineation process of Kayan Mentarang National Park was accomplished through a multi step process describes below in section 3.1 – 3.5
3.1. Watershed and Sub-Watershed Generated
The Kayan Mentarang National Park, consist in 3 (three) main watershed. Which are Kayan, Mentarang, and Sembakung watersheds. The watershed produce from DEM SRTM using Hydrology Tool in ArcGIS Spatial Analysis.
Table 1. Kayan Mentarang Area Main Watersheed
No | Watershed | Kayan Mentarang Area | Total Size Area (km2) |
1 | Kayan | 29.900 | |
2 | Mentarang | 15.800 | |
3 | Sembakung | 10.298 |
Others main sub-watershed delineated using spatial analysis are Bahau, Pujungan, Iwan, Lurah, Upper Kayan in Kayan Watershed ; Kalun, Tubu, Menabur, Lidung, Upper Krayan in Mentarang watershed and Sulon, Sesilo, Mid Sembakung in Sembakung Watersheds.
Water catchment areas become important layer for delineated the park buffer zone area, since it’s a natural barrier for the landscape ecosystem.
The sub watershed divided into 3 (three) class priority for park buffer zone management. The sub watershed that overlay/in ine with the park boundary include in 1st priority class for management, and about 10 km distance from park boundary include 2nd priority class for management, while other sub-watershed include in 3rd priority class.
Map 1. Watershed and management priority classification
Table 2. Sub Watershed Priority Class
Kab/Priority | 1st Priority | 2nd Priority | 3rd Priority | Total (Ha) |
Berau | - | - | 68,352.48 | 68,352.48 |
Bulungan | - | 23,524.35 | 666,523.91 | 690,048.27 |
Kutai Barat | - | - | 40,995.88 | 40,995.88 |
Kutai Timur | - | - | 16,684.59 | 16,684.59 |
Malinau | 439,594.69 | 792,416.97 | 1,186,497.67 | 2,418,509.34 |
Nunukan | 109,079.93 | 128,921.85 | 259,654.54 | 497,656.33 |
Total | 548,674.62 | 944,863.18 | 2,238,709.08 | 3,732,246.88 |
Note : Determination 2nd priority class based on 10km distance from park boundary are from access consideration and still can change according to expert recommendation.
Based on the table, Malinau and Nunukan Districts are the only districts that has 1st priority class watershed management, while the others districts are none.
3.2. Forest cover
A forest – non forest cover simple classification produced from landsat imagery from 2005-2006. The Interpretation made using supervised classification used by combination of band 5, 4 and 2 and combination with drawn manually. Remaining forest cover within the area of interest are the main aspect to manage as part of the park buffer zone management .
Table 3. Landcover Area
Landcover | 1st Priority | 2nd Priority | 3rd Priority | Total (Ha) |
Bare Soil | 87.29 | 370.48 | 2,551.27 | 3,009.03 |
Dry Land Agriculture | 90.14 | 90.14 | ||
Fish Farm | 1,230.70 | 1,230.70 | ||
Non Timber Plantation | 11,255.87 | 11,255.87 | ||
Primary Forest | 466,783.66 | 802,934.05 | 1,195,590.72 | 2,465,308.42 |
Primary Swamp Forest | 17,924.68 | 17,924.68 | ||
Secondary Forest | 57,562.70 | 123,397.44 | 639,831.15 | 820,791.29 |
Secondary Mangrove | 70.70 | 7,431.68 | 7,502.38 | |
Secondary Swamp Forest | 103,742.94 | 103,742.94 | ||
Shrub | 20,657.58 | 13,888.01 | 183,833.02 | 218,378.61 |
Swamp | 396.81 | 28,510.40 | 28,907.21 | |
Timber Plantation | 17,971.23 | 17,971.23 | ||
Urban | 134.55 | 15.97 | 4,132.65 | 4,283.17 |
Water | 2,028.05 | 2,774.33 | 24,859.40 | 29,661.77 |
Grand Total | 547,811.46 | 943,380.27 | 2,238,865.71 | 3,730,057.44 |
Map 2. Forest Cover Around Park Bufferzone Area
3.3 Forest type classification and critical ecosystem
Forest type classification produce from RePPProt map and elevation, forest type of these area are defined into Hutan Dataran Rendah Dipterocarp, Hutan Dataran Tinggi Dipterocarp, Hutan Pegunungan dan Hutan Kerangas (Heat Forest).
While the critical ecosystem that include for management are Hutan Kerangas (Heat Forest), Hutan Gambut, Hutan Dataran Rendah below 200 m and Hutan Dataran Tinggi above 1000 m.
Map 3. Critical Ecosystem Around Park Bufferzone Area
3.4. Elevation Zoning
Elevation zones were defined using SRTM data for the area of interest. Four classes were defined : 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-1500, 1500 up.
3.5 Community dependant
Community dependant on forest resources based on 15 km buffer delineation from village around the park. This layer show the human activity that could affect to the condition of park buffer zone.
Note : 15 km buffer from village show area that community depend on forest based on study HCVF East Kalimantan landscape.
4. Delineation Results
After data generation complete, the simple method that used to delineation park buffer zone are based on watershed and critical ecosystem management around the park. Based on watershed management priority, the 1st priority class is the areas that possible to manage more intensive compare to 2nd priority and 3rd priority.
Other consideration for intensively management recommendation for park buffer zone are determined by the human activity around the park. This activity mainly cause by timber concession and traditional agriculture.
Based on East Kalimantan Province drafted Spatial Planning, there are almost 90.000 ha allocated as Non Forestry Agriculture Area (Kawasan Budidaya Non Kehutanan) in 1st priority buffer zone area management and almost 300.000 Ha for Timber concession (Kawasan Budidaya Kehutanan). While the Hutan Lindung (Protected Forest) consist of 128.000 Ha around the park.
Table 4. Province Spatial Planning Around Park Buffer Zone
Spatial Planning | 1st Priority | 2nd Priority | 3rd Priority | Grand Total |
CA | 642.66 | 642.66 | ||
HL | 128,571.38 | 305,207.74 | 474,292.15 | 908,071.28 |
KBK | 297,188.90 | 528,143.19 | 1,148,159.96 | 1,973,492.04 |
KBNK | 75,464.60 | 72,825.95 | 536,723.38 | 685,013.93 |
KBNK Bintang | 15,976.35 | 42.54 | 41,372.32 | 57,391.21 |
KBNKT | 2,202.41 | 2,202.41 | ||
KSN | 17,464.96 | 38,642.84 | 15,913.63 | 72,021.42 |
TN | 13,362.12 | 13,362.12 | ||
Total | 548,670.96 | 944,862.26 | 2,236,062.45 | 3,729,595.67 |
The combination between human activity, forestry and non forestry agricultural spatial planning in the 1st priority watershed management are recommend to be the 1st priority areas that could intensively manage for park buffer zone management.
Map. 4 Below show the preliminary park buffer zone delineation for 1st priority management.
Annex 1. Village Inside and around (buffer zone) KMNP
Sub District | Villages | Inside Park | Buffer |
Krayan | |||
| Long Bawan | v | |
| Long Api | v | |
| Terang Baru | v | |
| Long Midang | v | |
| Kampung Baru | v | |
| Pa Kebuan | v | |
| Pa Betung | v | |
| Long Umung | v | |
| Buduk Tumu | v | |
| Kuala Belawit | v | |
| Tang Paye | v | |
| Lembudud | v | |
| Tanjung Karya | v | |
| Berian Baru | v | |
| Buduk Kubul | v | |
| Long Puak | v | |
| Pa Padi | v | |
| Pa Raye | v | |
| Wa Yagung | v | |
| Bungayan | v | |
| Long Nawang | v | |
Krayan Selatan | |||
| Long Layu | v | |
| Tanjung Pasir | v | |
| Long Padi | v | |
| Binuang | v | |
| Baliku | v | |
| Pa Upan | v | |
Lumbis Hulu | |||
| Panas | v | |
| Tau Lumbis | v | |
| Labang | v | |
Pujungan | |||
| Long Pujungan | v | |
| Long Ketaman | v | |
| Long Pua | v | |
| Long Aran | v | |
| Long Bena | v | |
| Long Uli | v | |
| Long Belaka | v | |
| Long Sei Bawang | v | |
Bahau Hulu | |||
| Long Alango | v | |
| Long Berini | v | |
| Long Kemuat | v | |
| Long Tebulo | v | |
| Apauping | v | |
Mentarang Hulu | |||
| Long Pala | v | |
| Long Berang | v | |
| Semamu | v | |
| Long Mekatip | v | |
| Long Simau | v | |
Perwakilan Tubu | |||
| Long Titi | v | |
| Kuala Rian | v | |
| Rian Tubu | v | v |
| Long Pada | v | |
| Long Nyau | v | |
| Long Lihi | v | |
| Long Ranau | v | |
Kayan Hulu | |||
| Long Nawang | v | |
| Nawang Baru | v | |
| Long Temunyat | v | |
| Long Betaoh | v | |
| Long Payau | v | |
| Long Ampung | v | |
| Long Uro | v | |
| Sungai Barang | v | |
| Metulang | v | |
Kayan Hilir | |||
| Data Dian | v | |
| Long Pipa | v | |
| Long Metun I | v | |
| Long Metun II | v | |
| Sungai Anai | v | |
| 24 | 60 |
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